My Early Morning Run and a Healthy (?) Self Image

I was up late last Saturday night finishing my husband’s Father’s Day gift. (More about that later.) I saw a commercial for Jillian Micheal’s website. I don’t have anything against Jillian Micheal’s. In fact, I think she is one bad trainer, and not bad as in…”eww, she’s bad” but bad as in..”whoa, she’s baaaaad.” She’s beautiful and tough and probably doesn’t have an ounce of body fat. In the commercial, there was an invitation to a free body and fitness test to see if you need to lose weight. (Like you can’t tell.) For some reason, the sleeping part of my brain decided it would be a good idea to do this test. I was told by Jillian Micheal’s that, “Dude, you are overweight.” She also went on to tell me that I need to consume only 1000 calories a day to lose wight.

The problem with these sites and tests are that they only ask for your weight and height, not taking into account muscle mass. I wear between a size 6 and 8 pant, depending on brand. I run, strength train and recently took up crossfit. I am by no means overweight. Does that mean I couldn’t stand to tone up some and lose a little off my waist and thighs? Heavens, no! I could stand to lose an inch or two off my waist and thighs, but overall, I am pretty happy with how it’s all shaping up.

So how does this apply to my early morning run? I guess mostly because it was on my mind this morning as I ran. In my post “The Best 5K So Far” I talked about why I like to run and why so early in the morning. I like the quiet, I like the dark and I don’t like being hot so I run in the wee early morning hours.


Did you check out the time I left the house this morning? That’s 4:50 AM to those of you who are night owls. I am a morning person and usually in bed by 10pm or 11 if I am feeling spicy.

Here’s the street by my house I started on.

To prove how quiet it really is, I stood in the middle of a usually VERY busy street to take this picture. Can’t you just FEEL the quiet?

I take different routes different days so I don’t get bored and today I started uphill. For the locals, it’s Brackett Street Hill. It’s a steep hill.


I made it!! (Cue theme song from “Rocky.”)


The good thing about starting uphill is that the rest seems so much easier.


And what goes up must come down. That includes JUSTINE!

Running down State Street Hill is not only pretty but also refreshing, because I’m almost home and closer to a water bottle and a shower!

My dog, Hazel is my loyal running companion. She gets so excited when she sees me reaching for my ball cap. She knows that means RUNNING! When we start out I swear I can hear her excitement, she actually bounds the first few steps.



Okay, that second picture is kind of blurry but that goofy look on her face made me giggle and I couldn’t resist putting it on here. She’s a great dog and a great running companion.

3 and ½ miles. Check!

p.s. There is one week left to read and comment on the post “Coco, Custom Fit Slipcovers and Cuuute Skirts” to win a gift certificate!